Missing & damaged luggage
For operational reasons, your checked baggage may be delayed during transport. Don't panic, it may not be lost! Baggage is generally re-routed within 48-72 hours by the airline.
- For an Air France flight:
- A dedicated baggage service is provided by the airline inside the terminal:
- Opening hours: from 8am to 10am and from 5pm to 7pm.
- Outside these hours: service by telephone on 09 69 39 36 54, from 7.30 am to 10 pm.
- For any other flights:
- Contact the information desk at Montpellier Méditerranée Airport or any other destination airport or contact your airline upon arrival.
- Present all the documents concerning your flight (identity card, boarding pass, luggage vouchers, proof of the value of your luggage and their contents).
- The search will then be launched and a follow-up will be conducted by the airline.
Your rights
- Visit the French Economy, Finance, Action, and Public Accounts portal for your rights in the event of a delay or loss of baggage.
For any incident concerning your luggage in the hold, Montpellier Méditerranée Airport advises you to contact directly your airline or to consult the "luggage" section of their respective website.