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Find the necessary information on the medical assistance and the vaccinations necessary during your trip.


Some vaccinations are mandatory, others are optional. It is important to find out what is recommended for your destination well in advance of your departure.
French people travelling abroad are encouraged to consult the section: Advice to travelers on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development website.
You can find all the information on vaccinations on the Institut Pasteur website.


Take a first aid kit

In addition to your regular treatments, to be taken in sufficient quantities if possible, the contents of the first aid kit will depend on the destination. Your doctor will list the items to take: treatment against malaria and diarrhoea, analgesics, antiseptics for the skin, bandages, gauze, disposable syringes, condoms…

Medical assistance and rapatriation

When you travel abroad, it is strongly recommended to take out coverage for medical assistance and repatriation including health care costs.

The health assistance and repatriation contract may be included in the services provided by your travel agent or tour operator.
It is often included in the services provided by your credit card for a limited length of stay (less than 90 days), provided your trip is paid for by credit card.


Advice for diabetics

The French Association of Diabetics has produced a guide in partnership with the General Directorate of Civil Aviation and Aéroports de Paris.
Its goal is to reconcile the imperatives of aviation security while preserving the quality of life of travelers with diabetes.
Many questions arise before flying, to avoid a break in treatment: What certificates must be carried? How much insulin can I take with me? What to do with my insulin pump when going through the gantry?

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