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Book your MONTPELLIER - BASTIA flight.

Bastia, between sea and mountain

A land of maquis fragrances, surrounded by the sea and splashed with sunlight, the Bastian landscape combines authenticity and amazement, for a complete change of scene: from historical heritage to idyllic nature, a thousand treasures await travellers in search of beauty in its pure state…

Up to 1 Montpellier - Bastia flight a week

From 29/10/2023 To 30/03/2024

No direct flight from Montpellier for this season

From 31/03/2024 To 26/10/2024


1 flight a week

From 01/06/2024 To 05/10/2024

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Time difference
Local time
463 KM
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Discover Bastia

Town of Art and History, Bastia is the second largest city in Corsica after Ajaccio. Located in the North-East of the island, at the base of Cap Corse, the city has a rich baroque heritage, both civil and religious. Hidden in a maze of picturesque lanes, the many oratories and vast churcheshold priceless treasures

In summer, the lauze roofing stones of the old city shimmer in the sun, while Saint Nicolas square, the Old Port and the Citadel are in a festive mood. Nearby, the Governor's Palace offers a prestigious setting for the Museum of Corsica, inviting the visitor on a wonderful voyage through the history of Bastia.

Standing proudly on the headland, the Bastian citadel offers an amazing panorama of the Mediterranean and the islands of the Tuscan archipelago: Capraia, Elba, Pianosa and Monte Cristo. To enjoy the view, simply walk round the Law Courts and climb the few steps up from Boulevard Paoli, the main artery of the city. Up there, a rustic path will take you to the fountain of Aletto, one of oldest in Bastia

But the path continues around Bastia, particularly to the area of Nebbiu, in the west. Perched on a hill, each village reveals the facets of an authentic habitat with Romance, Baroque sanctuaries, fountains and presses, old wash houses and ovens, evoking Corsican rural life of the past. 

Signposted trails take you on walks and hikes from the mountaintops to the plains. Crops and vineyards mark out the landscape down to the coast where you’ll discover heavenly beaches. Nature is wonderfully preserved here, providing an ideal setting for sports and leisure activities.

Far from the bustle of the main tourist sites, at the northern tip of the island, Cap Corse beckons you for an unforgettable stay, with its secret coves, sandy beaches, Genoese towers, coastal paths, American homes, grain mills and more… 
But Cap Corse is also about the art of living: enjoy a Centuri lobster, discover the famous vineyards and the muscatel, taste the local olive oil, goat's or ewe's milk cheese, charcuterie and honey, or simply let yourself be charmed by the warmth and friendliness of the local inhabitants. 

In and around Bastia, all the ingredients are there to write the most beautiful pages of your holiday memories in the sun, in an exceptional setting. Moreover, the Genoese towers are keeping a close watch on the horizon, awaiting your arrival in Corsica… 


Sites and monuments

  • Bastia Cathedral.
  • The Church of St-Jean-Batiste.
  • The Chapel of Monserato.
  • The Bastia Theatre.
  • Oratories of the Brotherhood of Saint Roch, the Brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception and the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross


  • Romieu Gardens.


  • Miomo beach.
  • Marana beach.
  • Lavasina beach.
  • Grisgione beach.
  • Erbalunga beach.


Sites and monuments

  • Villages of Centuri, Canari, Cardo, Pieve, Santa Maria di Lota, San Martino di Lota and Ville di Pietrabugno.
  • Oletta and the Chapel of St Antoine.
  • Capo Sagro.
  • Island of Finocchiarolla.
  • Mattei’s Mill and Erbalunga Tower.
  • Desert des Agriates.
  • Lake Padule.
  • Natural reserve of Biguglia pond (known locally as Chiurlinu).
  • Archeological site of La Mariana.


  • Fortin Ecomuseum.
  • Oletta Museum of sacred art.
  • Citron Ecomuseum in Nonza.


  • Nonza beach.
  • Saleccio beach.
  • February: Bastia Italian Film Festival.
  • March: Bastia BD comic Festival.
  • April: British Film Festival of Bastia, Equinoxe Jazz Festival of Bastia.
  • July: Erbalunga Cap sur le Rire festival of humour.
  • August: Erbalunga Music Festival.
  • September: Bastia Festival of Spanish Cinema.
  • October: Chocolate Fair (Bastia).
  • November: "Musicales" music festival.
  • December: Christmas Market.
  • Barcaggio Cows: As well as being one of the most beautiful beaches in Corsica, Barcaggio is also a chance to see the unusual sight of the red cows on the fine sand.  From the beach there is also an exceptional view of the Island of Giraglia. Just an hour and a half away from Bastia.
  • Les Legendines: Take a guided walking tour of Bastia and find out all about the city’s legends; its superstitions, traditions and witches’ tales, unless of course all this is true... Book in advance on the Bastia Tourist Office site.


  • Fish: grilled mullet, sea bass with fennel, sardines stuffed with brocciu, cod…
  • Aziminu: Corsican bouillabaisse.
  • Seafood: oysters, mussels...

Mountain specialities

  • Fresh Brocciu cheese.
  • Corsican charcuterie: prisuttu, coppa, lonzu, salamu, salsiccia and the famous figatellu, succulent liver sausage.
  • Ewe and goat's milk cheeses.


  • Wild boar, stewed or baked in a pie crust.
  • Corsican veal.
  • Tianu: pork ragout.
  • Stuffatu: lamb or kid roasted or stewed.
  • Pulenta: sweet chestnut flour.
  • Pasta: ravioli and cannelloni with brocciu, lasagne with wild boar, pasta sciutta (with lobster).


  • Fritelli: fritters.
  • Torta: hazelnut tarts.
  • Canistrelli: biscuits.
  • Cakes with the sweet chestnut flour.
  • Pastizzu: Corsican cake flavoured with anise.
  • Fiadone: tart with the brocciu and lemon, sometimes soaked with alcohol.


  • Corsican wines*: vins-de-corse, ajaccio, patrimonio, Cap Corse muscatel.
  • Cap Corse wine* flavoured with aromatic plants, macerated oranges and cinchona.
  • Local Pastis*: Dami and Mannarini.
  • Liquors* with plants of the maquis: mint, myrtle, sweet chestnut, walnut, anise, violet or orange…
  • Local Beers* made from sweet chestnut flour: Pietra (amber), Serena (blond), Colomba

* l'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération

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